Petra Weiser LLC Trademarks
Image Trademark

Image Trademark

Filed: October 3, 2019
A series of books, written articles, handouts and worksheets in the field of women's rights and empowerment
Owned by: Petra Weiser LLC
Serial Number: 88641271



Filed: October 3, 2019
A series of books, written articles, handouts and worksheets in the field of women's rights and empowerment
Owned by: Petra Weiser LLC
Serial Number: 88641287



Filed: October 3, 2019
A series of books, written articles, handouts and worksheets in the field of women's rights and empowerment
Owned by: Petra Weiser LLC
Serial Number: 88641291



Filed: October 3, 2019
A series of books, written articles, handouts and worksheets in the field of women's rights and empowerment
Owned by: Petra Weiser LLC
Serial Number: 88641300