Filed: February 1, 1994
promoting industry and public awareness of strategies to bring greater value to the grocery consumer by way of better products…
Owned by: American Meat Institute, National Grocers Association, Food Marketing Institute, Grocery Manufacturers of America, Grocery Products Manufacturers of Canada, Uniform Code Council, International Dairy Foods Association, Natl-Am Wholesale Grocers Association, National Association of Chain Drug Stores and NATIONAL FOOD BROKERS ASSOCIATION
Serial Number: 74485334
Filed: September 27, 1996
promoting industry and public awareness of strategies to bring greater value to the grocery consumer by way of better products…
Owned by: American Meat Institute, National Grocers Association, General Merchandise Distributors Council, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CONVENIENCE STORES, Private Label Manufacturers Association, Food Marketing Institute, Grocery Manufacturers of America, Grocery Products Manufacturers of Canada, Uniform Code Council, Inc., International Dairy Foods Association, FOOD DISTRIBUTORS INTERNATIONAL - - NAWGA/IFDA, INC., National Association of Chain Drug Stores and NATIONAL FOOD BROKERS ASSOCIATION
Serial Number: 75173385